The entirety of Bill Barrett’s working career was focused on some aspect of the golf industry. After obtaining a degree in Turf Management from the University of Massachusetts he became Superintendent at Fresh Pond Golf Course in Cambridge, MA and was later hired to build the golf course at Nashawtuc CC in Concord, MA. When that was completed he went on to become the first Superintendent at Portsmouth Country Club in Greenland, NH.
Realizing the need to establish a professional code of standards he, along with Bob Flanagan, formed the New Hampshire Golf Course Superintendents Association (NHGCSA). Believing in the vital nature of the Superintendent’s job, he helped to establish the scholarship program for continuing education in the field of turf management. Bill also helped to establish the New Hampshire Turf Conference and presented at it for many years.
Bill ended his career in sales often acting as a consultant for his clients. He was uncompromising when it came to honesty and treating people with dignity. In return, he was respected and loved by all aspects of the turf industry throughout New England.
William "Bill" Barrett